Monday, March 15, 2004

Spain again

On Saturday morning a rather smart and rather cynical guy I know (I am not sure whether he wants to be mentioned by name, so won't just in case) wrote me an email saying that the Conservative Party is pretending that ETA is guilty until the election in order to boost the ratings, and I guess he was right. By Saturday night the Spanish people caught on too, and on Sunday they voted Socialists in. It's of course the Conservatives' own fault if they tried to cash in on the situation by blaming ETA, but I find it extremely unfortunate that if whoever was behind the attacks intended to affect the election they have achieved their objective.

The Socialists immediately announced that they are withdrawing troops from Iraq, which is very unfortunate too and was badly done. I don't mean the fact that they are withdrawing troops from Iraq - they promised it all along and now they need to make good on that promise - but now was a really bad time to advertise it.

Apparently somebody out there has read my diary (yeah, right) and decided that we are gonna have 3 minutes of silence today. Good.

The Spanish have caught three Moroccans and two Indians in connection with the terrorist acts. Moroccans I can understand, but WTF would Indians be doing with Islamic terrorism? The guys in question are apparently Hindus.

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