Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Domestic violence

Janka writes about the stupidity of a campaign where men have to declare that they are against violence, as if unless declared so it should be assumed that all men are for violence. I agree with her wholeheartedly. However, since such campaigns exist, since I support equality unless it costs me too much, and since this does not cost me anything, I would like to declare here that I am opposed to illegitimate violence in general and domestic violence in particular, that I promise not to beat up any men around me (Krav Maga sparring partners excluded, of course, but they don't count since they are wearing protective gear), that I haven't beaten Killeri up today, or yesterday, or ever, and haven't ever hit any of my previous sex partners, either. I also encourage all my female friends not to beat up their boyfriends and husbands. You see? Good, nonviolent me.

ATN and Birdy are shocked that some study finds that 30% of men find it sexy when a woman looks scared. Is it something particularly surprising or alarming? I find it sexy when men look scared too, but I don't run around scaring people for that, and I suppose the vast majority of those folks don't either.

Birdy also quotes the statistic saying that every year 80-90 men get murdered (incl. manslaughter) and 40 women, 30 of them by a spouse/ex-spouse/boyfriend. 2% of murdered men are killed by the spouse, and 95% of women are (by the numbers above it would be 75%, and Birdy notices this discrepancy as well). Interesting... Gotta check the Finnish statistics if I find them.

An American study from 1994 (Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report: Murder in Families) found that in spouse murders women represent 41% percent of the killers, in child murders 55%, in parent murders 18% and in sibling murders 15%. You can read the whole report here.

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