Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Senior Mutant Ninja Citizens

Stockmann has a sale called Hullut päivät (Crazy Days), which I usually call Hullujen päivät (Days of the Crazy). These are 4 days when crazy people flock to Stockmann and sensible people try to avoid it, except for myself of course. I went there this morning. The place was overrun by senior citizens, mostly female ones, trying to fight their way towards whatever it was that they wanted to buy. These grannies are very good at various kinds of punching, kicking and elbowing. Krav Maga mostly saves me from punches and elbows, because these are easy to block. Attacks with heavy weapons, such as shopping carts, are much harder to block, because the usual leg block does not work on them (or rather it does, but hurts too much). I wonder at which level we are gonna learn the defense against shopping carts. Blocking them with the back of the leg sort of works, but you have to watch out for your ankles all the time and it does not do good to your balance.

Grannies are usually small, and I have always wondered how much of it is due to the fact that people become shorter as they age and how much of it is due to their generation being short to begin with.

I keep hoping that by the time I will be old enough to be considered an evil Stockmann grannie I'll finally reach an expert level in Krav Maga and will be able to fight my way to the head of every line.

Today gluttony won over common sense as usual, and I managed to stand my ground against several grandmas trying to ram their shopping carts through me, and now I bought a truckload of fish, a little bit of meat and lots of black pepper.

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