Thursday, March 25, 2004


Been suffering from anxiety and rage lately. The reason must be internal and physical, because I don't see any real reason for me to be that way: nothing has happened, I am not particularly stressed out and everything is generally fine. It's not severe and does not really interfere with my life, in the sense that I don't snap at people or anything, but it's a bit annoying, especially since it has lasted for 3 days now. Feels like a regular PMS, actually, except that there is more rage and less sadness and except that I do not in fact have PMS right now. The bad thing is that I have just eaten the last birth control pill in the pack, so by tomorrow I will have real PMS as well and it's not a good combination. Hope the fake PMS is over by then.

Made some eclairs for the game yesterday. For the first time in my life I actually managed to make them crispy, but after tasting them I figured it was not worth the trouble and I like the soft ones better after all. I am still glad I learned how to make them crispy though.

Read Leaven of Malice by Robertson Davies. Amusing book. I'd like to read more of his stuff.

Yesterday I finally managed to get my software to do one thing I wanted it to do for a while now.

People on the Russian forum are quite nice but very alien. Yesterday they started a conversation about why some Finn (a writer of a certain article in the Universitas Helsingiensis magazine) considered Russia a shithole, and I did not quite have the heart to suggest the most obvious hypothesis. Which is strange, because in general I don't hide my feelings about that country from anyone.

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