Tuesday, March 16, 2004

France's turn?

Le Parisien has received a letter, allegedly from an organization called Servants of Mighty and Wise Allah, signed by somebody calling himself Mosvar Barayev. Mosvar Barayev is definitely not a real name but a version of the name of Movsar Barayev, a Chechnyan terrorist who led the hostage taking in a theater in Moscow in October 2002 and has died a more or less natural death from the bullets of Russian special forces.

Servants of Mighty and Wise Allah is not a known terrorist organization AFAIK.

Apparently failing to cooperate with the USA on the Iraq war is insufficient to avoid being labeled an enemy of Islam. They are pissed off at the anti-veil law. Here are some bits (translation mine, sorry for lack of style):

"We had excluded you from a certain category of your brethern in misdeeds, because of your opposition to the unjust agression of Crusaders in Iraq, but you have yourselves decided to put your name on the list of the most fierce enemies of Islam, in engaging in these discussions and especially in ordering our sisters to live their faith in a way different from the way they want to do it, and this is serious."

"...we consider France to be a declared enemy of Islam, like the rest of the coalition and the North African and Arab governments that collaborate with you; and we intend to strike back."

"With this abhorrent, discriminatory and anti-Islamic law you have proved to the entire world and all the Moslems that you are right on Devil's side, and we will treat you as such till the last day unless you change your decision and obey the order of Allah, who is also your God."

Discriminatory law? Those guys have surely missed the ban on all other religions' symbols in school. Oops, I forgot, there is only one True Religion and others don't matter. I don't know whether "who is also your God" refers to the fact that we are all people of the Book (yeah, right, and quite ready to hit each other over the head with said book) or their belief that their Allah should be everyone else's as well.

"Know that we have been able to penetrate and establish ourselves in your lands, the same ones where Charles Martel and his troops have defeated us, the land of pride and arrogance, wine and pork, debauchery and nudity, you who refuse the Faith and the modesty."

Was that supposed to be claim that Moslems should not be allowed into civilized countries, or a hint about the need for a new Charles Martel? I think both can be arranged should the need come. (Charles Martel was a Frankish warlord who kicked Islamic ass in 732 during the battle of Poitiers.)

"So we are going to strike back, following the success of our brothers from 11.9.2001 to 11.3.2004, at your unceasing attacks, and ask Allah to sow fear in the hearts of the French."

"Our organization, somewhat hurt, has been able to recover by the grace of Allah, and become more important and master new technologies, and ensure a massive recruitment of Jihad volunteers, and Europe is the new land of Jihad."

Gee, thanks for the warning.

The rest is the usual "we'll kick your ass, yadda yadda yadda" and "our brothers in Chechnya, Palestine, Iraq, French schools and Mars, yadda yadda yadda".

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