Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Krav Maga and the rest of the evening

Went to the evening Krav Maga lesson yesterday. It was crowded but not as badly as last Monday. Managed to hurt myself, not much but many times. Scratched myself by accident, blocked kicks by body parts that were not protected, etc. We were studying anti-strangling techniques again, new ones this time.

My sparring partner of yesterday can kick with unbelievable might. It really hurt even through 10-cm shields. I shudder to think what that man's kick feels like without 10 cm of protection in between. Was a pretty good sparring partner, BTW - he is clearly more advanced than myself and he noted my mistakes and commented on them in a rather constructive way.

After Krav Maga we went to see Jossain Afrikassa (Nirgendwo in Afrika) with Heli. German Jewish family comes to Kenya in the late 1930s, the parents are having trouble with their relationship, the daughter in enjoying herself and meeting the locals. Well-written and well-acted. After that we hanged out at my place.

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