Sunday, February 22, 2004

Still not well, but feeling a bit better.

Yesterday we (Leena, Sonja, me and Sonja's dog Peppi) went to visit Viu and Tapio. It's somewhere up north in the middle of nowhere (Kärkölä), and they have a lot stars there. One rather bright star was changing color between green and white all the time, and it wasn't just in my head. I wonder whether it's an illusion caused by some atmospheric phenomenon, or whether the star was not a star at all, but some geostationary satellite. I am accustommed to thinking of satellites as tiny dim things that move fairly fast, but then I'd never seen a geostationary one, or in any case never known that I am seeing one.

It was nice to finally see them (Viu and Tapio, not stars, although stars are nice too). They don't get down to Helsinki much nowadays, not with all the critters they have to take care of at home. They have 3 horses, a cow, a goat, 14 cats and I don't want to know how many chickens. Viu talks about getting more horses, but it's not easy even taking care of the ones they have now.

Sonja and Leena rode the horses for a while, but I didn't. I try to avoid close contact with animals big enough to eat me, even if those animals claim to be vegetarians. Cats are way safer, and some of them were cute and nice. One horse tried to eat Leena's jacket, but it didn't taste too good. Too many artificial flavors, I guess.

Peppi is really cute. She is a black German shepherd with huge ears.

I noticed that horses have eyelashes. Never noticed before. Not all horses though: the little one didn't.

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