Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Krav Maga

Flu and throwing up are not very helpful as far as martial arts go, but what can I do? I only wish I didn't throw up every time I cough strongly, but that's what usually happens. I am sure you all wanted to know this.

On the other hand, sadistically beating up three shields before breakfast tands to improve one's mood. My mood, anyway.

Being beaten with a bamboo stick hurts even when there is a 15-cm-thick shield between you and the stick. I am sort of feeling sorry for the criminals in the countries where they use bamboo sticks as punishment.

Out teachers always think up some politically incorrect imaginary enemy. Today, apart from the usual boogeyman who weights 150 kilos and is in Eduskunta, the imaginary enemy was Swedish and it was attacking people right in the ass, as befits a good Swedish enemy.

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