Sunday, February 29, 2004


Finally got rewarded for this week's Lisp suffering with good sex. No beer, though, because I forgot to buy it. And not strictly "rewarded", in the sense that I think Killeri would have sex with me even if the Lisp application didn't work. Hey, the man tolerates me even though I can't take a Kalashnikov apart and put it back together in under 53 seconds!

Watched a bit more Firefly in the morning, and noticed that Wash the pilot always makes me think about sex. What is really strange is that I don't find him sexy and don't fantasize about having sex with him; looking at him makes me fantasize about having sex with other guys - the ones I usually fantasize about. A strange phenomenon, never noticed anything like that before.

Wow, look at that, Aristide ran away from Haiti. This doesn't have anything to do with sex, except that both Aristide and Haiti are screwed. Oh well, Haiti has been screwed before that as well.