Friday, June 25, 2004

Krav Maga

The spring's last Krav Maga session yesterday was quite an educational experience - I am glad I went. This time three people kicked my ass (each separately, not all together). It's really unfair when you are trying to stab a person and they give you a good kick in the chest. A proper kick to the upper chest is not beneficial for sustaining a good balance, either (in plain English that means you fall on your ass). The person who was doing the kicking and otherwise resisted the stabbing very efficiently was very constructive with her criticism - so constructive that I started wondering whether she sometimes works as an instructor there. Should've asked. If she doesn't, maybe she should. Turned out she does ballet, too, and knows at least some of my friends who study ballet. The world is small.

In the evening I went to visit a friend. She's got a roommate now, who was pretty nice and also turned ut to know some people I know. The world is small, again.

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