Wednesday, August 11, 2004


The annual Rally for Islam in Britain, organized by Al-Muhajiroun, took place a couple of weeks ago. Here is Al-Muhajiroun's press release about it.
I'll only quote some choice bits from their vision of how Sharia should be implemented in Britain:

...hence it is a fundamental belief of every Muslim that Islam will one day dominate the world, including Britain, it is just a matter of time. Today we call for the people to embrace Islam and change the law and order themselves ; tomorrow an Islamic State may forcefully remove all obstacles in the way of the implementation of Islamic law, as part of its foreign policy.


The sale of alcohol or pork would be prohibited, gambling would be outlawed. The currency would change from paper money to the use of Gold as standard, thereby eradicating inflation. Stocks and shares would be prohibited as would insurance, interest based transactions and the current company structures - all of this would be replaced with a unique economic system encouraging distribution of wealth, banning exploitation and hoarding and ensuring transactions are done where the goods are tangible, the services specified and the companies are real. Man would be the trustee of God's wealth on Earth promoting investment of it to please God as in Jihad to conquer other lands to spread the law and order of Islam.


There would be no pubs for example, and night-clubs, porn shops or other places of entertainment between men and women, encouraging promiscuity and sexual deviancy (such as homosexuality) will be banned. Both men and women will be required to cover themselves properly in public with women wearing the Khimar and Jilbab (headscarf and long barrel shaped dress) and men covering at least from the navel to the knees at all times. Segregation (between men and women) in all public places will be enforced.


The Islamic judicial system would be implemented where adulterers would be stoned to death and thieves would have their hands cut. There would be no jury service or solicitors or barristers, rather Judges qualified in Islamic Law would preside over all cases and Judge according to God's law.


There would be compulsory Islamic education for all with Arabic being the national language so that the people can properly read and understand the Qur'an. False ideas such as evolution and the equality of religions and corrupt subjects such as music, drama and art would not be taught. Rather every subject will be linked to the relationship with God and new subjects such as Islamic concepts, Shari'ah law and Islamic Jurisprudence will be introduced to the curriculum. Other subjects such as science and mathematics will be cleansed of any concepts contradictory to divine revelation. History from an Islamic perspective will be studied. There will also be an emphasis upon boys to have military training so that they can participate in Jihad after they become 15 years old and an emphasis upon girls to learn those subjects such as cooking, managing the household and looking after and bringing up children to train them properly for their roles as mothers in the future.

With such advertisement it's really a wonder all Britons are not standing in lines for conversion to Islam. Wouldn't you all love to live in such a country? The members of A-Muhajiroun are willingly sacrificing their opportunity to live in the wonderful and happy lands of Shariah in order to live in miserable and decadent Britain and carry Islam to the poor British infidels, and the infidels are still persisting in their own infidel ways. But I am sure they will all see the light real soon now.

Incidentally, my own very suspicious attitude towards Islam began right there: at the Al-Muhajirouns Rally for Islam in Britain in July 1998. I wandered into the rally by accident, listened for a little while, was given some leaflets, read them, took a look at the people holding the "Islam - the Future for Britain"-slogan and was a bit surprised at the extent of how much I did not want Islam to be the future for Britain, or any other country that is currently not Islamic.

BTW, I wonder how come all the religions and movements who think that a woman's primary or only role is a wife and/or a mother always try to teach the girls "cooking, managing the household and looking after and bringing up children" and never a word about sex, even though being able to have sex is usually a fairly important prerequisite for being a wife and a mother? Yeah, people can usually have sex without being taught how to, but same goes for cooking and raising kids, and teaching might improve it. Wouldn't this sound better: "an emphasis upon girls to learn those subjects such as cooking, managing the household, sexual subjects such as intercourse, oral and anal sex and handjobs and looking after and bringing up children to train them properly for their roles as mothers in the future"?

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