Thursday, August 05, 2004

Craziness in Paraguay

More than 400 people have burned to death last Sunday in a mall in Asuncion. Apparently, after the fire started the owners told the security guards to lock the exits so that people wouldn't run away with merchandise without paying. Now the owners and the security guards are accused of manslaughter.

WTF is wrong with these people? Even if we disregard the moral aspects of letting people burn vs. letting them get away with unpaid merchandise, the merchandise was about to burn anyway, and did. Did the fuckers only have insurance for fire and not theft? Wouldn't be hard to make a fake claim under the circumstances.

Wonder how much they give for manslaughter in Paraguay. Also, how long it would be until some relative of some of the manslaughtered gets a shotgun and tries to get some extra justice of his or her own. Feel sorry for the cops on this one: "Did the guy have any serious enemies?" - "Yep, here is the list of 3256."

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