Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Al-Muhajiroun, again

Al-Muhajiroun have an opinion on democracy, too:

To vote for a particular candidate on the 10th June will also be recorded as a vote AGAINST Allah (swt), his Messenger Muhammad (saw) and the deen of Islam.

Voting for Democracy is pure baatil (falsehood) and has no place in Islam; unfortunately some so called Muslim organisations have been duped by the fancy packaging of democratic elections, and even rally behind kuffar (disbelievers in Allah and Islam) propagating this FALSE system.


O Believers in Allah (swt) do not fall into the trap of apostasy; refrain from the kufr elections on the 10th June.

I wholeheartedly agree. Hey, Al-Muhajiroun and their supporters! You heard the man: voting is again the will of Allah.

The Muslim Council of Britain happened to disagree, for which Al-Muhajiroun called them a voice of Shaytaan.

Seriously, if I did not know they are real I would have though Al-Muhajiroun are a parody of some sort.

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