Friday, August 05, 2005

A Jewish terrorist

Fuck. Eden Natan-Zada, an Israeli settler, has killed 4 people and wounded 12 on a bus in Shfaram, an Arab town in Israel. This is the biggest terrorist act by an Israeli Jew against Arabs since Baruch Goldstein killed 29 people in 1994.

Natan-Zada had connections to Kach, the same terrorist organization that Goldstein belonged to.

The citizens of Shfaram have already dispensed the swift and well-deserved justice to Natan-Zada. And he ain't getting any virgins in paradise, either.

And now a bit about the root causes (media loves talking about root causes of terrorism, so maybe I should too): just like some of the London terrorists, Natan-Zada has recently found religious (in his case Jewish) fundamentalism. Authorities should really look into the question of who was his rabbi and what was he saying in his synagogue.

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