Friday, August 05, 2005

Britain gets tough on terrorism

From BBC:

Tony Blair decided to get tough on foreign terrorists. British hospitality had been abused and people should know the "rules of the game are changing", he said. It's about time.

"Among the planned changes he said people would be refused asylum if they had been involved in terrorism."

What? Do they mean Britain is now still giving asylum to people who had been involved in terrorism? One would think that even Blair could figure that one out before the terrorist attacks, especially since Blair likes to remind British people that they were warned about terrorism before it happened.

Why would anyone in their right mind let a known terrorist in? Yeah, they are often persecuted in their home countries, and usually for a good fucking reason - because they are fucking terrorists. Bugger the humanitarian reasons. There are a lot more refugees in the uncivilized world than places for them in the civilzed world, and the civilized countries can choose. There are millions of decent people in the world trying to flee war, genocide, Sharia or something.Take them as refugees and leave terrorists where they are. If they are going to get mubaraked there, good riddance.

"The Hizb ut Tahrir organisation and Al-Muhajiroun - or its successor group - are to be banned, Mr Blair announced."

Just in time, yeah. Al-Muhajiroun was disbanded last October. OTOH, the Saviour Sect is hopefully considered to be its successor group.

The real development is that they will start deporting foreigners for advocating and glorifying terrorism, but they have not decided on the exact guidelines yet.

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