Saturday, January 31, 2004

Yesterday's party

Been to a birthday party yesterday and saw a number of people that I rarely see nowadays, and even some that I'd never seen before. It was a good party, and I had fun even though I had a PMS from hell and didn't feel up to partying. Kirsi and Harri were there, and Ikis, along with other usual suspects, and Juha Tretjakov, and some German-English band. Satu made fairly nice punch, even though I don't usually like punches (not of the drinkable type, anyway).

Juha has a braid that hangs almost to his knees, and every time I see him at least several people are joking about cutting it. I've heard it so many time that I feel like strangling them every time I hear it; I don't know how Juha avoids strangling them- well, he is a calmer person than myself and probably accustommed to it. I see red because to me it's a representaion of a certain destruction drive in people that I seriously dislike (the destruction drive, not the people). People, every time you see somebody with an extra-long hair and want to joke about cutting it, remember that the person has already heard all the jokes on the subject 3786 times. And that's only during the last week.

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