Thursday, January 29, 2004

Happy Together (here be spoilers, maybe a little)

Just saw Happy Together by Wong Kar-Wai. First of all, it was typical Wong Kar-Wai, in the sense that you could know it without looking at the titles. The movie is a story of a Hong Kong couple in Argentina, who, the title nonwithstanding, are not particularly happy together even though they are passionate about each other. Yiu-Fai: working, faithful, more or less stable for the most time, very homesick, somewhat controlling and dominating. Po-Wing: does not work, occasionally steals stuff, screws anything that moves but jealous at the possibility that Yiu-Fai might do likewise, very impulsive (Yiu-Fai is not exactly a poster child for impulse control, either, but he is much better at it), always ready to make up and start over again. They break up and make up all the time.

I found it strange that the story of their relationship, although central to the movie and very well-acted, has not awakened any emotions in me, whereas I could relate extremely well to Yiu-Fai's homesickness. I know that I have just seen a movie that is a story of an unhappy relationship, but I feel like I have seen a movie about a guy who is stuck halfway across the world from home without the support of family and friends, and in a really bad relationship.

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