Saturday, January 17, 2004

The other grandma

Having finally got my land line phone back, I called my grandma yesterday. Not the one I was writing about, the other one. She gave me the usual lecture on my wrongful life and then suddenly also a lecture on how I should have a baby. I have no idea why. She knows I don't like babies, and, more importantly, she doesn't like them either, so what the hell?
She even offered to help me raise it, which was expressed as "have this baby and then we'll take it away from you and raise it here".

Poor woman. My mom really did not turn out the way my grandma wanted, and grandma probably thought that it was because of the lack of effort on her part, while in fact it was simply because of some rather severe inborn differences in temperament and personality. Then she gave it a second try with me (she was retired already and had time and energy to devote to me) and I turned out even worse. Is she hoping for the third chance? I am raising my hat to this shining paragon of optimism.

To think about it, what kind of sprog did she really want and does such a person even exist?

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