Thursday, February 03, 2005

Omar Bakri Mohammed, again

Our old friend has given an interview to Christianity Today. Mind you, people, he is trying to be nice here. Some choice bits:

"Americans should listen to Muslims who believe in 9/11 and not to those Muslims who do not! "Terrorism" can be either positive or negative-i.e., for or against God."

"Any weapons are legitimate in jihad. Even animals may be used as "suicide bombers"! It is not restricted by target-even Muslims or children, if used by the enemy as human shields, can be killed. Only one thing can restrict jihad-a Covenant of Security [Treaty]. Non-combatant women, children, elders, clergy, insane, disabled are restricted, and non-Muslim children go to Paradise. However, if such are killed in crossfire or if used as human shields, they become collateral damage."

"As stated, there is no restriction on place (it could even occur in Mecca)-so schools are legitimate targets of jihad, but it is up to local mujahedeen [those who engage in jihad] to decide the best strategy."

"In terms of Islamic jurisprudence, only Muslims are innocent-non-Muslims are not. By default, all non-Muslims are rebel criminals against God. Muslims who engage in interfaith [gatherings] are apostate. God discriminates among man on basis of faith. The jihad is not specifically anti-Christian-it is anti-kaffir."

"Regarding beheading, it is halal to behead Muslim criminals! It is halal to kill hostages in a war zone. "

"Today there is no Dar al-Islam-the whole world is Dar al-Harb because it is the sphere of non-shari'ah. "

"The aim of the Khilafah [Caliphate]-the ideal Islamic State, which does not presently exist-is to conquer the world, either militarily or intellectually through people converting to Islam. "

Naughty, naughty man. Just look at what he says about the religion of peace. If Theo Van Gogh could be killed just for making a movie that depicted abused Moslem women, how come nobody has yet nailed Bakri for saying such horrible, and, as we all surely know, totally untrue things about Islam? Not that I would encourage anyone to kill the fucker, he is way too entertaining for that, but where are the Islamic organizations condemning him for unfairly stereotyping Moslems? These same organizations that are always complaning when somebody makes a movie about Islamic terrorists, for example?

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