Thursday, February 03, 2005

Britain's new sex laws

They are in fact many months old, I just ran into the article now. For all it's worth I hope the law is written better than the article.

"Juries will be able to assume there was no consent if a rape victim was asleep, unconscious or disabled, or if there was violence or threats involved."

Disabled? You can't have sex with that one-legged man! He needs his penis to stand on!

"A range of new offences designed to tackle inappropriate sexual activity with children, including a new offence of causing a child to engage in sexual activity which will capture behaviour such as persuading children to undress."

Ugh, better watch those saunas!

"Updating incest offences to cover not just blood relatives but also foster and adoptive parents and live-in partners. "

Having sex with your live-in partner is incest now?

"A new offence to protect the public from unacceptable sexual acts in public toilets."

Inquiring minds want to know what are the acceptable sexual acts in public toilets.

"Bestiality and necrophilia become specific offences for the first time."

Do we really wanna know what they were before that?

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