Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Al-Muhajiroun got a webpage.

Here are some fairly representative samples:

"ALL the laws of Kufr need to be eradicated and replaced by the laws of Allah (swt) immediately. We are commanded to implement Islam in ALL aspects of our lives and carry it to the whole world via Jihad so that we may succeed in this life under the domain of Dar-ul-Islam and in the hereafter in Jannah Inshallah."

"Why would Muslims need covenant from the kuffar? Muslims may be facing persecution, like from the taghout rulers today, like King Fahd etc, and for this reason they may go to a non-Muslim country for protection/Asylum, like the Muslims from Makkah went to Abyssinia at the time of the Prophet (saw). However that does not mean that we have to accept everything that they impose on us, like their law and order."

Later the page, however, goes on to explain that Islamic law does not allow Moslems who legitimately live in non-Islamic countries to kill locals and to steal from them. According to them, you can kill locals and steal from them only if you entered their country specifically for that purpose and pretending to be a non-Moslem, and "We should note that ALL of the magnificent 19 MARTYRS (inshaa Allah) on 11 September entered America like this, they did not betray any covenant, however for anyone living in the west, it would not be permissible for them to do the same act because they DO have a covenant of security.."

"It could be asked, If you enter with covenant, must you obey the law of the land?

NO, the covenant does not oblige that, it is specifically a covenant of security of life and wealth, and nothing else. it is a contract only to maintain sanctity for life and wealth, You must always follow the Shari'ah, and never follow kufr law. Regardless of what they ask of you, you cannot give up Islam or disobey Allah, nor use the covenant of security as an excuse to do so, even if they attempt to stipulate such conditions in your covenant. The Prophet (saw) said:
"Any conditions not in the book of Allah, is not valid.""

For those who do not know who Al-Muhajiroun are, here is a self-introduction: "Al-Muhajiroun is not a group or a political party. We are a Jama'ah (collective body) within Ahl us-Sunnah wal Jama'ah (The minority saviour sect) working towards the world-wide domination of Islaam." It was founded in 1996 in UK by Omar Bakri Mohammed. That's the guy who has just said that a terrorist attack on London was inevitable, and sounded rather proud of it.

They are recruiting, right on the streets of London. Even tried to recruit me sometime in summer 1998, which was pretty desperate of them.

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