Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Let's count other people's money

I don't usually like counting money in other people's pockets, but sometimes the temptation is a bit too much.

So: how much does a suburban imam earn in France? Is it really a lot of money, and if not, how did Mr. Bouziane (who, BTW, has already gotten deported) afford keeping 2 wives and 16 children? I assume the wives did not work because Bouziane preached against women working. He might, of course, have preached against women working outside home and for husbands beating wives while at the sime time being married to two well-earning women who in fact beat him, but I think it's unlikely. Such hypocrisy is more the manner of Christian celebrity fundies such as Randall Terry. Don't know about Jewish celebrity fundies because thank god there aren't many outside of Israel, but I suspect they are just as hypocritical as the Christian ones and are spending their time in bed with each other's wives while eating ham pizza.

One Jewish non-celebrity fundie whom I knew in person used to preach to us that one should never have sex with an infidel, let alone marry one. Her Catholic husband was always very amused by her preachings.

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