Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hands off my card, assholes!

For those who don't know: Helsinki area transportation system uses cards on which one can put time, money or both (for example one can use time for the unlimited travel in Helsinki and money for the occasional travel in the suburbs).

Except that sometimes you run into "helpers" who try to eat your money from the card.

I have no clue where those fuckers come from. One would think that most of the people who use the public transportation in the Helsinki area, and all of the people who work for HKL or YTV, would be aware that the machines who read the cards occasionally have glitches and fail to read the card, and that when a machine fails to read the time you have on your card you do not want to buy the ticket with money, but instead either have the bus driver reread the card with his/her other machine, or do absolutely nothing if you are riding some other form of transportation.

This not fucking rocket science, people. If a person in front of you tries to swipe a card without pressing any buttons, fails to do so, and swears "what's wrong with the fucking machine, I have time till August 15th on this card" this should be a sufficient clue that the person is not in fact trying to buy a ticket with money. This should be clear enough even to the vast majority of the people from the wrong side of the bell curve.

Apparently it isn't. People try to be helpful and explain that you need to push a button (which is how people pay for a single ticket with the money they have on your card). The particularly helpful or particularly dumb even try to push those buttons for you, and if you don't stop them, it will eat money from your card, and then you'll have a hell of a time trying to get it back either from the "helper" or from HKL.

Today's "helper" was lucky, in that I did not have enough money for a ticket on my card, so no harm done. Otherwise there would have been hell to pay. Or 3.60, anyway.

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