Wednesday, July 13, 2005

More on bombings

The London bombers turned out to be home-grown and of Pakistani descent. The families are shocked much in the same way as families are usually shocked when their kid does something evil.

At least they were suicide bombers, which is nice because it means that the real people's death toll has dropped from 52 to 49 or 48 (they are not sure that the 4th bomber died).

Although he fact that nobody has mentioned any suicide notes or suchlike makes me wonder whether someone gave them the bombs to deliver somewhere and then set them off from a distance. I guess we'll find out when the police know more.

In a similar news, a suicide bomber killed 4 people and wounded a lot more in Netanya. This time it was Islamic Jihad, who has been losing its terrorist support base to Hamas for a while now and apparently feels that something has to be done. "Vote for us! We are the most terroristy terrorists!" Besides, they must be pissed off now that PA got lots of money from G8, which it is probably gonna share with Hamas but not with them. Islamic Jihad itself is funded from Iran, which currently has enough problems of its own so the funding is probably not great.

I was curious whether now BBC will start using the word "terrorist" to describe the guy who did it, but no, they haven't. PA leader Abbas, on the other hand, condemned the act with unusual harshness ("Quiet, assholes! The Israelis are about to pull out of Gaza, don't fuck it up!") and quite possibly was serious about it.

In a similar not-even-news, 24 people were killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad. This time the bomber targeted a few American soldiers and a bunch of Iraqi kids who were taking candy from them. Apparently killing Moslems is wrong only when unbelievers do it. Or maybe kids stop being Moslem when they eat infidel candy.

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