Tuesday, July 05, 2005

4th of July

Celebrated the Independence Day yesterday in Koff park. Had 3 Americans present (plus 4 Finns, one of whom is the same person as one of the Americans, and one ill-behaved Swedish-born dog). The day was beautiful, and we had a lot of wine and two disposable grills.

I was tired and in an unsociable mood, but still had a good time.

Otava ate everything. Seriously. He eats anything organic and a lot of things that aren't. Tried to drink my wine, too, but I was faster. Tried to eat my sausage, but I was faster again (I was trained by the best, for example Jero).

The scenario repeated itself many times: Otava is sitting quietly, whoever is holding on to him has let her guard down. Food appears. Otava leaps at the food. Somebody (usually Elaine and I) roar and leap after him. I grab his leash and pull down on it with all my might, and Elaine makes a leap at the plate that would make most NFL players green with envy, but the plate is already empty. Two pork chops and a countless number of sausages went into the bottomless maw - good thing we had a lot of extras. Hope the poor dog is not shitting tinfoil today, although it would probably serve him right.

Ebu growled at Otava in a very authentic way. Maybe the rest of us should learn too.

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