Monday, January 09, 2006

New tricks by everyove's favorite Iranian terrorist

Not content with arranging a conference on human rights, Ahmadinejad has ordered the association of Islamic Journalists of Iran to organize an international conference on Holocaust. Which, as we remember, he does not believe in.

Hey, I think we just found a state sponsor for Banaanikotkatutkimuksen seura ry, if they want one.

The president does not forget his own people, though: in the name of increasing the female chastity he ordered the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development to construct separate pedestrian walkways for men and women. Ugh. Can't they just put up the posters of his face in order to promote women's chastity?

Ahmadinejad thinks that Sharon's stroke was a punishment from god. In that he is joined by American tv evangelist Bat Robertson. Oops, I mean Pat. Pat Robertson.

Iran is planning to remove UN seals at its nuclear sites today in order to continue its entirely peaceful nuclear research.

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