Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Politicians in jail

Dutchreport reports that Geert Wilders is in prison and Ayaan Hirsi Ali is living at a military base (both of them are members of Parliament). Technically they are not being punished; they have expressed political views that are apparently unpopular with some of the citizenry and are getting death threats, and the powers that be have not found any better safehouses.

I think there is a little problem with free speech in a country where politicians have to live in prisons for expressing their views on politics. I remember the day Pim Fortuyn was killed and everybody there was in shock, since there had not been a political assasination in the netherlands for 350 years or so. That was less than 3 years ago, and now they have two politicians in hiding.

Wilders is somewhat harsher and more radical in his views than Fortuyn was. I suggest that people who want him killed think really hard about who will be the next guy.

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