Thursday, March 02, 2006

On joharis and noharis

Other people's noharis are really hard to fill, mostly because that by the time I know them well I am usually so accustommed to their negative personality traits that I don't notice them as negative. I can easily list my friends' bad habits (such as "is always late everywhere", "dates most atrocious men", "always tries to put some horrible music on" or "puts chili everywhere"), but negative personality traits are pretty hard to think of.

A few thoughts on my own:

Nohari was filled by a lot fewer people than johari, which is normal, but three of the people who filled nohari have not filled johari. I don't know who any of them are; one put in what looks like a real name that I do not recognize, one put in a nickname and one might or might not be an ex-boyfriend of mine. In addition there was a few people who filled either both or only johari about whom I don't know who they are. Oh well, they probably wanted it that way.

Johari was not very surprising. 31% said "extroverted", probably meaning "sociable" (there was no separate word for that). People also seemed to give me a lot more credit for being "bold" (18%) or "brave" (9%) than I would normally give to myself. "Complex" (18%) was a surprise, I am fairly simple. "Observant" (18%) was also a bit of a surprise. I don't think I am awfully observant.

Nohari: I can't believe I forgot "vulgar" when I was filling it out for myself! I am a poster child for vulgarity. Two people whose names I don't recognize said "aloof", which makes me think whether or not I seem aloof to people who don't know me well (I am not really aloof, just shy with strangers). "Impatient" and "chaotic" were popular, and for a good reason. "Cynical", too, although I myself prefer the term "experienced".

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