Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Evil

University of Tampere has invited Pentti Linkola to speak at an upcoming philosophy event in April, and then cancelled his participation after he gave Aikalainen magazine an interview where he said that there was nothing wrong with Nazi Germany apart from losing the war.

For fuck's sake, people. Does it really take a nazi-admiring statement to realize that the man is a clear example of pure and unadulterated evil? There is probably a whole separate department in hell just for him, where he will spend the eternity as Fred Phelps's and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's lover (which incidentally, will be also the punishment for Phelps and Ahmadinejad) having unsatisfying sex and long arguments as to which groups of population should be killed first.

One thing I've wondered about pretty much every time I heard any statement by Linkola: why is incitement against some religious or ethnic group a crime, but incitement against the whole population is not? I mean, if you are not allowed to say "kill all Muslims", "kill all Jews" or "kill all Christians", why should you be allowed to say "kill everybody"? Or, to be more exact, "kill almost everybody except me, because I am a valuable ecologist and will show you the light, there should be as few people as possible, and the more get killed the better, but I do not regret having had two children, and all scientific and technological progress is evil, but please give me my diabetes medications"?

More importantly, why are the people who say "let's kill [insert your favorite ethnic group]" generally ridiculed by everybody, and the guy who just generally says "let's kill people" invited to speak at civilized people's events as opposed to being left to himself to spread his "philosophy" to the frogs in the privacy of his fishing boat? I know most people find Linkola ridiculous, but still he has enough respectability to be invited to events whose organizers would have never dreamed of inviting the late Pekka Siitoin.

OTOH, sometimes I wonder whether Linkola and his philosophy are just an overlong experiment in how many left-wingers can you get to support extreme right-wing views if you do it in the name of ecology. The answer is, luckily, not all that many, but apparently enough to give this clown at least some respectability among some people. Sheesh.

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