Monday, May 29, 2006


I think I am paying my sleep debts now. Sleepy all the time. It is probably doing me good, and yet the desire to be sociable while being sleepy all the time is not a good combination.

Friday was an especially bad day for sociability, what with everyone celebrating Lordi and there being too many smokers and not enough toilets. I gave up and went home to sleep.

On Saturday there was a very good party during a weird time of the day, which featured a lot of nice people, one (but big) nice cake, very well-behaved children (the end of the world is surely here already) and kimchee chocolate. After that went with a few friends to a weird but great whisky-tasting place in Puotila. The world is full of strange things.

Heli came over on Sunday.

It's fairly cold outside. Can't drink in the park, at least not for long.

Eeek, moving soon. Scary.

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