Tuesday, May 30, 2006

God hates Fred Phelps

...and so does Bush and pretty much everyone else.

Yesterday was the Memorial Day, and Bush has signed the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act, which was passed by Congress in response to Phelps' and his Westboro Baptist Church's activites.

The main activities of this fine religious sect involve seeing gays everywhere and rejoicing at every disaster on the assumption that every disaster must have killed some gays or at least people who support gays, or at least maybe people who are not actively against gays.

They rejoice at every death of a US soldier in Iraq, because the soldiers are part of the army of a country that does not punish homosexuality by death, and are therefore defenders of the Great Gay Conspiracy and deserve to die. Phelps & Co. have lately spent most of their time demonstrating at soldiers' funerals with signs like "Thank God for dead soldiers", "Thank God for 9/11", "Thank God for IEDS" and "God hates fags".

The new law forbids such demonstrations within 300 feet of a national cemetery, so hey will have to do it elsewhere from now on, or face fines up to $100000 and prison sentences up to 1 year.

Phelps, who usually hates America and everything it stands for, suddenly became a great supporter of the First Amendment and thinks his First Amendment rights are being violated.

Westboro Baptist Church has about 100 members, most of whom are Phelps' children, grandchildren, cousins or all of the above. Members are not allowed to marry outside the church, so in a few generations we might have a new interesting breed of people, homo phelpsicus.

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