Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Tookie revisited, or moonbats galore

Zombie has some Tookie Williams vigil pics. Where do all those insane fuckers crawl out from every time there is even a margianlly left-wing event? I mean, a fair lot right-wingers are completely and utterly batshit-crazy, but every right-wing event does not automatically attract nearly as many batshit-rightwingers.

Mind you, I don't find anything particularly crazy about opposing death penalty to the point of protesting every single execution, especially since they happen about once every two and a half years in California. What I find a bit suspicious are the people who demand the death of various elected officials as opposed to the death of a convicted quadruple murderer. I guess that on some level I don't really believe in the sincerity of their opposition to death penalty.

This brings back the fond memories of many pro-choice events I attended in Boston when I lived there. It needed to be done, I would do it again if I had to, and most people there were completely normal, but there were enough freaks of various kinds to be a nuisance, and all of them tended to believe that all of us support all their crazy causes. And yes, I realize that a person supporing one left-wing cause is more likely than average to support another one, but IMO it's not a reason for all of them to crawl out at the same time.

There was a Socialist Party politician who somehow reminded me of Illinois Nazis from Blues Brothers. There were people who tried to sell me books by Marx. I had to suggest to a number of communists that they should try out the Theory by moving to the USSR, which still existed back then, but I am afraid none of them took my good advice. There were environmentalists all over the place - they sometimes have worthy causes, but I can't quite understand what these causes have to do with abortion. There was a few people to whom I had to explain that no, I have absolutely no desire to help them free Mumia, whoever he is.

My favorite was a woman from a feminist organization (one of the organizers of one event) who said that she does not want us to call the event "clinic defense". "Defense is such a masculine word," - she said, - "we should not use it. We should call this clinic solidarity." I found this strange since our job was to prevent an about 300-person antiabortionist group from entering the premises and blocking the entrances, and violence was expected. Somebody from the crowd asked her whether kicking them with a boot would be considered "solidarity with a dangerous weapon" in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but she did not find it funny.

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