Monday, December 12, 2005

Fry Tookie

A number of celebrities are signing petitions in favor of convicted murderer Tookie Williams who is scheduled to be executed tomorrow. Is there anywhere I could sign a petition in favor of his execution?

It's strange really: in general I would like to see death penalty abolished, but in every particular case that is publicized in the US my first reaction is "fry the fucker" and I have no desire to see that particular person granted clemency.

("Fry" is a figure of speech here: I disapprove of the electric chair as a barbaric method of execution, and am glad almost all states got rid of it - Nebraska is the only state where the condemned cannot choose a lethal injection instead).

For those who don't know: Tookie murdered four people in two different robberies, all of them execution-style when he certainly did not have to.

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