Sunday, May 23, 2010

My contribution to the Everyone Draw Muhammed Day

I totally suck at drawing, so I made a photo collage reflecting my view of the guy.

The best contribution I've seen so far was Iowahawk's (via the Fourth Checkraise).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

- Ethnic genocide (most deaths)
- War of agression on 3 fronts (unsuccesful)

- Murdering political opponents
- war of agression (Soviet poland war)
- Starvation by economic policy

- Genocide of largery imaginary political opponents
(absolutely most deaths)
- Liked young girls
- war of agression in small scale (tibet)
- Starvation by economic policy

- Genocide of largery imaginary political opponents
- Moslem
- war of agression (tansania)

- murdering of political enemies
- escalated a defensive war
- child wives?
- moslem

- Genocide of largery imaginary political opponents
- partially successful war of aggression (finland)
- Starvation by economic policy

- Starvation by economic policy
- murgering political opponents

Pol pot
- Genocide of largery imaginary political opponents
(relative to population most deaths.)
- Starvation by economic policy

Murdering political opponents here means a lot murdering, not just a faw, since practically all dictators murder opponents.

Genocide means things than can be counted as several percents of populations.

Starvation here means large scale starvation intenttional or unintenttional.
