Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Don't fuck horses...

At least not anally, or in any case when it's your ass and their dick.

Here is the article about the newest Darwin Award candidate:

Two gentlemen, Mr. Tait, 54, and Mr. Pinyan, 45, decided to seek sexual pleasures in a barn that did not belong to either of them. Mr. Pinyan opted for receptive anal intercourse with a male horse while Mr. Tait was videotaping the event.

Pinyan died of perforated colon. Tait was sentenced to one-year suspended sentence, a $300 fine and 8 hours of community service for trespassing. No animal cruelty charges were filed as only a human was harmed in the making of that movie. The fate of the videotape remains unknown to me, but I can only hope that it will make it to the internet.

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