Monday, April 11, 2005

News of the stupid

Through Finland for Thought and World Net Daily:

A guy comes into a Best Buy store in Cockeysville, Maryland, and tries to pay a $114 bill with 57 $2 bills. The cashier disapproves, threatens not to take the money, then takes it, marks it with a pen, the employees call the police, the police arressts and handcuffs the guy, takes him to the police station and, mind you, calls Secret Service.

The Secret Service agent arrives and tells everyone that everything is cool. 'Commenting on the incident, Baltimore County police spokesman Bill Toohey told the Sun: "It's a sign that we're all a little nervous in the post-9/11 world."' - comments World Net Daily.

A little nervous? Yeah, and the late pope was a little Catholic. We all already know that some police departments have an upper limit requirement for IQ, but do they have to limit it to 70?

I still wonder what the police were thinking. Did they think $2 bills are explosive, at least when there is 57 of them? Did they think The Great Al Qaeda Fake Money Press broke down and is only issuing $2 bills now?

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