Thursday, March 04, 2004

Kilpikonna again

Kilpikonnana maailmassa believes that a culture of selfishness will get you nowehere and the culture where members can and want to sacrifice themselves and their demands to the common good is the way to go. She also thinks that no civilization or state can support itself without people being ready to sacrifice themselves for it, and, like the vast majority of people who write about sacrifices, she encourages other people (in this case men) to do the sacrifice (go to the army).

As her own sacrifice for the common good she promises to give birth to new taxpayers if her fertility treatments work. Hey, it's fun to do whatever you want to do anyway and consider it a sacrifice of some kind. I think I'll sacrifice for the common good by eating sushi tonight.

This entry should not be seen as support for drafing women into the army. I don't support drafting men, women, or little furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

For some reason I feel that the appropriate quote from Durrenmatt should be put here, but I don't know the German original and translations are many, but the rough translation is that when a country wants the blood of its children it starts calling itself fatherland.

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